Vincent Donato Solo Art Exhibit

June 11-13 in Williamsburg Brooklyn at 243 Grand Street

Artist Statement

My creation process has become like a ritual of preparation combined with a concentrated emotional state. Which is presented in the studio and then to be executed on canvas, creating a visceral and emotional experience through abstraction with the symbolic use of my subject the Rose.

Roses became my symbolic representation of being mortal.

Like the Rose the work should be vulnerable yet detrimental, inviting but uninviting.

These works of art require time for the viewer to sit with them to be fully captivated by what is being expressed through the grouping and placement of the Rose. Putting the viewer in the same state of being I’m in when creating them.

By the work demanding their presence in a room they are simply challenging the viewer, which is what I look to create. Through the placement and grouping of the Roses I work from concepts I built around them.

Vertically for : Life

Horizontally for : Death

Inverted/Beheaded for : Rebirth/Preservation

Anubis 2021
60″ x 50″
Oil paint, Oil stick, Oil based house paint, Plaster, Pigments, Beeswax,
Graphite, and Vintage clock chain on canvas.