FOREST FOR TREES is a diverse and expanding collective of artists working across creative disciplines to address issues of environmental, social, and political importance. FOREST FOR TREES creates and curates multimedia, genre-expanding environmental artworks that address gaps in climate, environmental, and ecojustice education in spaces and places where captivating art, engaging events, and educative programming are needed and supported.

Entangled Futures:
To be human in the world today is to bear witness to interconnected crises, to feel the past catching up even as the present speeds toward uncertain possible futures. Our rapidly changing climate, declining biodiversity, and multiple ecocides and genocides are an interconnected polycrisis unfolding. What do these entangled violences reveal to us? When crises threaten to overwhelm, how do we find the means and resolve to respond with alternative futures? Artists lead with works that navigate and cultivate abundance, community, and possibility in response to difficult times.

We are open to most mediums, and celebrate multi-media responses. We encourage you to consider material use and sustainability in art-making. We curate 1-2 pieces per artist for our exhibitions.

Waste Not, Want Not:
With recycling conveniently prioritized in modern Western cultures, it has been all too easy to overlook the transformative possibilities of reducing our consumption and reusing what we already have. What does creative circularity spark in artmaking? How can wanting less give us more? Presenting works that explore waste reduction, creative reuse, waste as medium, regenerative technology, upcycled wearable art, and buying less, we reimagine waste education.

We welcome works that consider intersecting environmental and social issues, address socio political concerns, and climate optimism. We are open to most mediums, and celebrate multi-media responses. For this show, we ask you closely consider material use and sustainability in art-making. We curate 1-2 pieces per artist for our exhibitions.

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