“Possibly Paintings”
January 13 – February 11, 2024
Opening Reception: Sat., Jan. 13, 5:30-8pm

Miguel de la Cruz, Roger Loft, Isaac Paris

This exhibition takes the medium of painting beyond the canvas. Each artist uses non-traditional materials to depict the traditionally painterly subjects of portraiture, still life and landscape.

Miguel de la Cruz creates 3D worlds on canvas with his use of found materials. Plastic bottles and discarded containers are cut into irregular shapes and sizes then attached to canvas and painted over with scenes ranging from buses and their passengers to abstract landscapes. Vivid colors and textures give way to dynamic light, shadow, and movement in Cruz’s painterly yet sculptural scenes.

Roger Loft presents a series of what he calls “negative reliefs”. The artist’s medium is wood, and for this exhibition he shows a series of carved wooden faces alongside carved portraits of bodies posing within traditional painterly scenes. We see jumping gymnasts, seated figures from the Belle Epoch era, and other figurative poses one might expect in 19th century oil paintings.

Isaac Paris exhibits a series of sculptural works on canvas and collaged leaves. He arranges Chinese Princess Tree leaves on his canvases, and uses paint and smaller wooden frames to highlight sections of the leaves. Paris notes the plants he uses are “compelled to evolve, and embrace the inevitability of change.” Using a technically invasive species of tree in his work, Paris highlights the resilient nature of nature. His work draws comparisons between the ability of nature to flourish despite ever-reducing green spaces and the ever-growing numbers of human populations in already condensed cities.

Gallery hours: Thurs-Sun, 1-6pm