Join us on a journey that will bend your mind between what was and what is. ADAM SUERTE, born and raised in South Brooklyn, his paintings pull between the greatness of the way Brooklyn used to be with the anticipation of it’s ever changing ways. Adam’s paintings are inspired by many including impressionism, the Dutch Masters, Underground comic art and psychedelic poster art of the 60’s, as well as aztec art, and his own short lived graffiti efforts. DANNY CORTES, a miniature street artist from the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, is influenced by his childhood years growing up as well as the 90’s era in New York. He creates miniature models that bring to life the urban landscape of the city. LAURA ENDERLE, partly raised in Texas and then New Jersey, Laura is most interested in the familiar, everyday landscapes that make a place feel like home. A writer and editor by profession, Laura’s oil paintings capture a mood, story and a sense of place beyond word. LJ LINDHURST, a self taught realist painter, works from photographs of subjects that she finds visually appealing- mostly original, but many are bits and pieces culled from television, advertising, or the internet. Toys, candy, trash, and the detritus of our culture are all things that interest her. |