Curated by Johnny Thornton
November 17, 2022 – December 16, 2022
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 19, 4-6:00
Masks and social distancing required indoors.
440 Gallery celebrates small-scale creativity and innovation with The 18th Annual Small Works Show currently on display at the gallery. This national juried show, a collection of 85 works submitted by nearly 500 artists, is our annual way to acknowledge that size is irrelevant to awesomeness. Artwork qualified for selection as long as it measured no more than 12” in all dimensions, including framing and any digital media hardware required for display. Johnny Thornton, the 2022 juror, considered over 1,400 submissions ranging from traditional painting and sculpture, to photography and digital works of art.
The Small Works Show is a favorite annual event for gallery followers and art collectors alike. We are pleased to announce several awards that will be given to artists participating in the show. This year, the 440 Gallery Award, selected by the artist-members of the gallery, will be renamed the Jim Manwell Memorial Award, in memory of our dear friend and supporter Jim Manwell. The People’s Choice Award, voted on through social media, and the Juror’s Choice Award, selected by Johnny Thornton, will also be awarded.
Artists chosen for the show:
Jo-Ann Acey, Natale Adgnot, Ruchira Amare, Michael Amendolara, Joann Amitrano , Audrey Anastasi, Walter Andersons, Jocelyn Benford, Stacy Bergener, Linda Berkowitz, Carrie-Ann Bracco, Kate Brennan, Nell Breyer, Ronald Butler, Fiona Chinkan, Simone Christen, Ann Cofta, Zach Cole, Beverly Crilly, Nell Daniel, Carmen DeCristo, Kathleen Dobrowsky, Yael Dresdner, Keith DuQuette, Janice Everett, Kate Fauvell, Jacqueline Ferrante, Matthew Fletcher, Paige Fox, Tony Geiger, Karen Gibbons, Sean Grandits, Susan Greenstein, Yen Ha, Karen Harris, Andrew Huff, Tyler Jones, Erin Juliana, Richard Kessler, Tara Kopp, Nancy Krinsky, Emily Leatherman, Sandra Lippmann, Emilee Lord, Lou Mazzella, Daniel McDonald, Janice McDonnell, Melissa Middleberg, Caitlin Miller, Jara Montez, Christopher Moore, Amy Morken, Grace Nkem, Andrea Packard, Ronnie Mae Painter, Peter Patchen, Steve Pauley, Janet Pedersen, Nancy Perkins, Xavier Petromelis, Jennifer Reinstein, Sandye Renz, Miguel Reyes, Juri Rhyu, Monica Rich, John Richey, Jo Robles, Cynthia Ruse, Kate Rusek, Suzanne Scott, Lan Vo Soffer, Susan Solomon, Steven Solomon AKA Speed Paste Robot , Ginger Sosnowski, Tamara Staples, Amy Weil, Marlene Weisman, Chris Weller, Liam Wiesenberger, Amy Williams, Jenny Wu, Ward Yoshimoto, Mary Younkin, Cindy Zaglin, andRobert Zurer