Desire: A Sankofa Dream (DESIRE) (work-in-progress) is a multi-disciplinary, non-proscenium and site-responsive artwork centered on imagination and consent as mechanisms of Black Queer survival which must be practiced rigorously.

Before the pandemic, the piece was meant to spill out simultaneously across several spaces with witness-participants: audience members choosing where they would go, and when. For one hour, witness-participants could travel at their own pace or follow the Mistress of Ritual character. With a cast of six performance-ritual-makers, DESIRE celebrates and demonstrates desire, fantasy, consent and belonging-making as Black Queer survival technologies. Now Bauman-Morales is developing a live, digital version of DESIRE and pushing the boundaries of online platforms.

Choreographed/Facilitated by Maria Bauman
Dramaturgy by Sharon Bridgforth