Puffin Cultural Forum Open Call
“Measured Hate”
Deadline for submission: February 19
Curator: Andrew Lee, alee@puffinfoundation.org, 201-500-7259

FBI hate crime reports were up 17% in 2017, marking a rise for the third year in a row. In today’s discordant political atmosphere, these statistics confirm what many have already felt: speech and acts of bias are rising around us. Puffin Cultural Forum’s upcoming exhibition, Measured Hate takes a focused look at the national and local climate behind the rise of hate and bias incidents.

Artists are invited to submit artwork that address and speak to the rise of emboldened hate in political discourse, media, everyday life and its impact on our collective psyche. Artists’ works will be presented alongside a multimedia exhibit of individual stories behind the statistics on both a national and local level. Through this exhibition, the Puffin Cultural Forum seeks to bring awareness and vigilance to the contemporary rise of hate and examine its causes and seek meaningful discourse.

The Puffin Cultural Forum is a passionate art and performance space located in Teaneck, NJ just outside of New York City that seeks to promote the meeting of the Arts and Activism. To that end, the Puffin Cultural Forum hosts art exhibitions and performances of music, theater, poetry, film in an effort to explore, share and communicate ideas and expressions that may fall outside boundaries of popular, mainstream thought.

Submission Guidelines:
Submission of artwork of all media will be accepted including 2 dimensional pieces, sculptures not exceeding 5 feet in any direction, video, etc. Most accepted works will be 2 dimensional pieces which can be displayed on our gallery walls not exceed 5 feet in height.
All submission have to be emailed to alee@puffinfoundation.org
Please provide your name, email address, phone number, address
Include title, medium, dimensions, value of artwork
Optional submission of artist’ statement or comment accepted

Important Dates
Selected artwork will be exhibited February 22 to April 28 at the Puffin Gallery in Teaneck, NJ. In lieu of an Opening, there will be an Exhibition Event on April 6, 4pm with a guest speaker TBD.
All artwork must be delivered or otherwise received before February 20.
All artwork must be picked up by May 3.

Gallery Information:
There is a total of 120 feet of displayable wall space. Artwork height is limited at 5 feet.
Photos of the Puffin Gallery: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5XgGxdSyQYII8CQ73

Please contact Director, Andrew Lee, alee@puffinfoundation.org, 201-500-7259, for further questions or inquiries.