How we come to be ourselves is a mystery, but so is how we come to make things. What forces in society push us and compel us to push back as we create? What ideas and influences drive our desire to innovate? Questlove, producer, musician, designer, culinary entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author, will be joined by Baratunde Thurston, futurist comedian, writer, and cultural critic and moderator Ben Greenman, novelist and author, to engage in a far-reaching and freewheeling conversation about the many factors — including race, politics, culture, and social responsibility – that motivate the artist. This evening is the debut event in a new series at Pratt Institute with Questlove who will engage with artists and creative visionaries to explore different aspects of creativity and the creative process.
Wednesday, March 2, 8 PM
Memorial Hall Auditorium, Pratt Institute
Free and open to the public; reservations required
please visit for reservations