“Show Up,” a Series of Paintings by Kelly Cyd Schnabel, presented by The Shoppe


SHOW UP – A Series of Paintings by Kelly Cyd Schnabel

The Shoppe will present Show Up, taking place at 60 Broadway in Williamsburg, on Thursday, May 19, 2016, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and featuring a series of paintings by artist Kelly Cyd Schnabel.

The Shoppe is proud to bring Show Up to Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood, featuring a series of original, large portrait-style paintings of (mostly) female faces, adorned with messages of empowerment and positive energy. Show Up is open to the public, with free admission. A portion of proceeds from the show will go to the Karolina Akkerman Tager Fund benefiting diabetes research. The artist will be in attendance at the event.

Inspired by the challenge of instilling her two teenaged daughters with a strong sense of self-worth, confidence and independence, Kelly starting painting and has not been able to stop. Faced with constant social media negativity infecting nearly every aspect of teenaged life, and frustrated by the inability of school administrators to recognize or cope with “social combat” among teens, Kelly began messaging through her paintings. The works primarily feature female faces, with haunting eyes, surrounded by short mantras of self-confidence, strength, resiliency, or vulnerability. The piece titled “Protector” resonated so much that it sold even before it was completed. The buyer likened it to her “hamsa,” equating the painting with a guardian angel keeping eyes on her family and creating a sense of calm in her home.

The “girls” (as Kelly often refers to the paintings) have resonated with and had an unexpected impact on everyone who sees them. The demand has been overwhelming, as this is truly an art form that is not contrived or able to be churned out. Each piece tells a story to be felt by the observer.

“Having kids is like having your heart walking around outside of your body,” says Kelly (hearkening a quote from author Elizabeth Stone). “What started out as an outlet, has turned in to a love story for my girls, myself, and anyone who feels judged, excluded, or bullied by their peers.”

Please contact Jonathan Tager (hello@theshopperealestate.com) for more information.