Interlude: New Exhibitions Opening


Interlude: New Exhibition Opening | Friday, November 6 | 5-8pm
FiveMyles | 558 St Johns Place | Brooklyn, NY 11238

Join Sara Erenthal, Ann Rosen, and Enrique Figueredo to celebrate the opening of their exhibitions on the construction wall adjacent to FiveMyles.
Made On A Borrowed iPad, prints by Sara Erenthal
If I Could Build Anything I Wanted, wood carvings by Enrique Figueredo
In The Presence Of Women, photographs by Ann Rosen

The Interlude Project presents rotating exhibitions on a 500ft-long construction wall on St. Johns Place, next door to FiveMyles, for the duration of the construction of a large rental building.

Learn more about the Interlude Project and other upcoming FiveMyles events here: