BRIC Arts | Media | Bklyn presents a night of performance and closing reception for The Bricoleurs, featuring artists from the exhibition. Cooper Holoweski will perform a live score to his animation piece, Nebuchanezzer’s Dream, with the accompaniment of his brother Doc Holoweski. Joseph Gillette will also perform his ongoing “Neo Media So-Real-ism” project, PARTY FOOD. More information on the event is available at

* WHAT: BRIC presents Bricolage LIVE, a special program in
conjunction with The Bricoleurs exhibition.
* WHO: Artists including Cooper Holoweski and Joseph Gillette
* WHEN: Friday, March 3, 8 – 10 pm
* WHERE: BRIC Rotunda Gallery, 33 Clinton St., Brooklyn, NY 11210

Cooper Holoweski 

Dumb Luck, 2011