Rebeca Olguin


Hidden Treasure


On Second Thought… Panic


Mom, Listen to the Sea

Artist Statement
My son’s birth has meant an encounter with a completely new form of experiencing life and interacting with the world. Since the moment I knew I was pregnant, parenting has been an existential experiment –an involuntary, uncontrolled one– marked by the encounter with a being that was, first, a part of me, but then became an Other, becoming ever more different from me with each second, becoming more Other. Motherhood has been, for me, the progressive development of an I that opens to an Other in a process marked by a bittersweet recognition and simultaneous estrangement. It has brought the opportunity to experience the Other not by means of a confrontation, in time and space, of two different persons, but through the gradual separation of one in two.

I’m Open to You is a series of photographs –taken and digitally altered by the artist– in which some of my son’s favorite objects and toys appear. These objects have invaded every space of my everyday life, as a symbol of my son’s existence installing itself in my own existence, as well as in his father’s. I experience this existence as open to me, and at the same time as a door to revisit my own existence, an opportunity to formulate fantastic hypotheses to explain places and things that had become common for me over the years. Many of these photographs are also the telling of the act of daring to open and be open to something, with the hope to make an unexpected discovery through an irreversible process, like maternity itself.


1 thought on “Rebeca Olguin

  1. She has a neat way of connecting things that are not usually together in our daily lives and expresses a whole new idea. I think is brilliant!

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